Monday, August 22, 2011

You know you are too busy when.... haven't picked up knitting needles for seven months. I've been feelin' the pain but today was pure joy....'cause this came in the mail ......

....and I'm going to make these!!!!
Are ya feelin' it? Well, I hope so 'cause my favorite yarn shop closed and it's hurtin'....but I'm almost out of my slump and ready to get clickin' again. Check back later....and see if this is just a dream or if it really will happen. I just "felt" like tryin' somethin' new. Get it...."felt"'s a knitting joke. You make things with real wool, bigger than usual then wash it and shrink it. Cool, huh. This will be my first. Thanks for stoppin' by.

Monday, August 15, 2011

I never thought it would come to this...

......and I'm so sad that I have to say that I haven't knitted for about 6 months. I'm beside myself but I just got caught up doing "church stuff" and I know I must be nuts. I just had to post so I could confess. Whew, I feel better already. I think I'll have another contest then I'll have to knit again. That's a good idea, Jillyn. Another contest. Another give-away on my birthday. I'll do it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

August socks...

....I guess that's what you could call them and since O Ten is history....I'll start again or perhaps just keep going and maybe by O Eleven's end, I'll have my "Socks of the Month" done.

I was actually able to finish this pair while traveling to and from Houston last week. I'm working on a few things for Lauri's baby now but I do have several "One Sock Oneders" that are waiting for mates. Hopefully I'll get to those this year. Happy and all.

Monday, November 1, 2010

July socks.....

......and it REALLY doesn't look like I'm gonna make a pair of socks a month but I'm trying....still and can't wait to get started on another pair (or finish up one of my one sock oneders) but Camie Ence Schwartz won my contest this year so I'll wait and see if she wants a pair I have made or if she'd like to pick out some yarn. These little beauties are so soft, wool but a little bit of nylon which makes them more washable than others and not so scratchy. I love working with this yarn and will probably do a few more before the winter is over. Congrats to Camie. She's been a faithful follower of my blog for some time and a long time friend of mine, one of the original home girls here in our neighborhood. Come on over Camie, when you have a minute and we'll talk.

Friday, October 22, 2010

June socks...

.....and I don't think I'm gonna make it to "a pair a month" (this year has gone by fast) but I'm doin' the best I can but here you have it and because I'm turning the big "SIX O", I'm having another "Sock Give-away" drawing so....if you'd like to win a pair of these ankle socks to wear while you sip hot cocoa and watch your favorite t.v. show or read a good book by the fire, e-mail me at and just say "hi" or "I wanna win" or "gee, you don't look 60"....or something fine like that. That one might give you 2 chances to win....not gonna say right now but I'd like to hear from you. Leave a comment and that will count as an entry as well. I also have some "more masculine" colors for any "macho" entrants. I'll be drawing the name of the winner at my birthday celebration, Oct. 30. Come on over and enjoy a hot donut with us anytime Saturday.
I've been taking my knitting on the road and trying a little "knitting by nature" type stuff kinda like that dude that took a stuffed monkey or the gremlin all around the world and took pictures of it wherever he want...that's kinda the idea. I have enjoyed sitting out in some beautiful nature and taking a few stitches while I breath in some fresh air so I figured I might as well start getting some of my projects in the picture. One day I sat out in the sunshine at Pine Valley and enjoyed my beautiful surroundings while enjoying one of my favorite hobbies. Lovely day........

I took my knitting along to the Grand Canyon. Didn't get any stitches in that day but enjoyed some great scenery. Another lovely day.....

Friday, August 13, 2010

May socks....

.....and yes, it has been a while. I've been a bit distracted with summer and all but I've still been doing a little knitting, making some baby blankets for all the new little ones arriving and I've finished another pair of socks. These are a little different than what I have been making....still out of the KnitCol yarn that I love, 100% Lana Merino Virgin wool...but I've put a small, low cuff so it will wear like an ankle sock. They knit up quickly and I should get some more done so I can get caught up with my "Sock of the Month"....but we'll see. Lots going on. I'm heading to the store to get fabric for some baby quilts for Traci's new little boy, Max but I should be able to slip some knitting time in on the plane. I'll post the quilts I finished for Joyce's new little grand baby, Nikki and Jarrett's Lux.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm back... making baby blankets, that is for a minute any way. Spencer, this one's for you. Nothing more fun than finishing one of these and getting it all packaged up ready to go to another grateful mom. One can never have too many baby blankets and I love making these.
Getting it all wrapped up with some pretty ribbon to match is like putting my signature on a painting. If you want me to make you one, just give me about a week's notice and I'd be happy to ablige. It's good to take a break from knitting once in a while and go back to my roots. My Grandma Sullivan taught me to crochet....and I loved it first.